Summary & Booking
A1.3 Französischkurs
Sprachsalon Berlin
Course duration: unknown
Sprachsalon Berlin, Berlin
Course no.: S_23
Preis: €210.00
Course description (course data):
Es handelt sich um einen zwölfwöchigen Fremdsprachenkurs der Sprache Französisch. Er wird am Donnerstagabend jeweils von 18:00 Uhr bis 19:30 Uhr stattfinden.
Special requirements:
Im Kurs wird innerhalb von zwölf Wochen die entsprechende Niveaustufe erreicht. Pro Unterrichtstag finden zwölf Unterrichtsstunden statt (insgesamt 24).
What happens next?
We will pass on your contact details to the course teacher. They will then provide you with further details about the course. If the course is already fully booked at the time of transmission or does not take place due to insufficient numbers of participants, you will be informed and given the opportunity to choose another date.
All further information about the course will be sent to you by the course management within the next few days. Payment for the course will also be made via the course provider's platform.
All further information about the course will be sent to you by the course management within the next few days. Payment for the course will also be made via the course provider's platform.